King’s Compassion – Ongoing service opportunities
Immersion Outfitters partners with King’s Compassion (KC) throughout the year to support homebound seniors with their needs. Each holiday season, we complete the Silver Angel tree, collecting donations for our brothers and sisters in Christ. King’s Compassion is looking for support in providing yard work services throughout the year. If you, your teenager, or your […]
Ladies Bible Study Potluck on 10/4/23
We will be starting a new study of Psalm 23. To kick off our study, we will have a potluck Wednesday, 10/4 starting at 6:45
IO Partners with King’s Compassion to Serve Elderly of San Antonio
This holiday season, join Immersion Outfitters in serving our shut-in elderly residents of San Antonio by “adopting” a Silver Angel from our tree, provided by King’s Compassion. The tree will be up for selecting your senior, along with a gift list, by November 1. We ask that all gifts get purchased and brought back, unwrapped, […]
A Prayer for Mother’s Day
We do worship You, our Father, and in our worship we give You our thanks. We thank You, not only for our own mothers and grandmothers but for all women who have filled that role
Far beyond jewels is
Far beyond jewels is
her value.